2013 journal article

Selection of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to Climate Change on the Basis of Climate Analogs

FORESTS, 4(1), 155–178.

author keywords: provenance trials; site quality modelling; management decision support tools; climate similarity; growth prediction
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii play an important role in the forestry sector in the tropics and subtropics and, in recent decades, members of the International Tree Breeding and Conservation Program (Camcore) at North Carolina State University have established large, multi-site provenance trials for these pine species. The data collected in these trials provide valuable information about species and provenance choice for plantation establishment in many regions with different climates. Since climate is changing rapidly, it may become increasingly difficult to choose the right species and provenance to plant. In this study, growth performance of plantings in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa was correlated to the degree of climatic dissimilarity between planting sites. Results are used to assess the suitability of seed material under a changing climate for four P. patula provenances and six P. tecunumanii provenances. For each provenance, climate dissimilarities based on standardized Euclidean distances were calculated and statistically related to growth performances. We evaluated the two methods of quantifying climate dissimilarity with extensive field data based on the goodness of fit and statistical significance of the climate distance relation to differences in height growth. The best method was then used as a predictor of a provenance change in height growth. The provenance-specific models were