2021 journal article

Diesel Generator Model Parameterization for Microgrid Simulation Using Hybrid Box-Constrained Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm


By: Q. Long n, H. Yu n, F. Xie n, N. Lu n & D. Lubkeman n

author keywords: Generators; Mathematical model; Heuristic algorithms; Load modeling; Microgrids; Diesel engines; Synchronous generators; Diesel generators; model parameterization; microgrid; dynamic simulation; Levenberg-Marquardt
TL;DR: A two-stage hybrid box-constrained Levenberg-Marquardt (H-BCLM) algorithm is developed to search the optimal parameter set given the parameter bounds and a heuristic algorithm is applied to identify proper initial estimates at the first stage. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 12, 2021

Existing generator parameterization methods, typically developed for large turbine generator units, are difficult to apply to small kW-level diesel generators in microgrid applications. This paper presents a model parameterization method that estimates a complete set of kW-level diesel generator parameters simultaneously using only load-step-change tests with limited measurement points. This method provides a more cost-efficient and robust approach to achieve high-fidelity modeling of diesel generators for microgrid dynamic simulation. A two-stage hybrid box-constrained Levenberg-Marquardt (H-BCLM) algorithm is developed to search the optimal parameter set given the parameter bounds. A heuristic algorithm, namely Generalized Opposition-based Learning Genetic Algorithm (GOL-GA), is applied to identify proper initial estimates at the first stage, followed by a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm designed to fine tune the solution based on the first-stage result. The proposed method is validated against dynamic simulation of a diesel generator model and field measurements from a 16kW diesel generator unit.