2021 journal article

A Coupling-Insensitive X-Type IPT System for High Position Tolerance


By: H. Feng n, A. Dayerizadeh n & S. Lukic n

author keywords: Topology; Couplings; Network topology; Impedance; Magnetic flux; Magnetic resonance; Switches; Compensation topology; inductive power transfer (IPT); position tolerance; X-Type
TL;DR: By introducing the concept and derivation principle for the coupling-insensitive compensation topologies, the X-type network is presented to provide self-regulation ability for primary coil current against variable coupling, thereby enabling steady power transfer in a highly dynamic environment. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: June 10, 2021

The output characteristic of an inductive power transfer (IPT) system is highly susceptible to variations in magnetic coupling. In this article, a primary-side X-type compensation topology is proposed to acquire stable output characteristics against a wide range of magnetic coupling without resorting to tight control and coil design. By introducing the concept and derivation principle for the coupling-insensitive compensation topologies, the X-type network is presented to provide self-regulation ability for primary coil current against variable coupling, thereby enabling steady power transfer in a highly dynamic environment. The design considerations for the passive parameters are elaborated, followed by the comparison with regular compensation methods. Owing to its unique structure and design flexibility, the X-type compensation exhibits a stable output characteristic that is beneficial in enhancing the tolerance to position shifts. Moreover, it also features a wide soft-switching range and more flexible design for the output level range than previous topologies. Experimental results show stable power transfer over a coupling factor of 0.14–0.28, where the power fluctuation is less than 20%. The presented method is seen as a potential solution for low power IPT systems, where high mobility is demanded.