2021 article
Phytoremediation of azoxystrobin and imidacloprid by wetland plant species Juncus effusus, Pontederia cordata and Sagittaria latifolia
McKnight, A. M., Gannon, T. W., & Yelverton, F. (2021, June 13). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION, Vol. 6.

Azoxystrobin (strobilurin fungicide) and imidacloprid (neonicotinoid insecticide) have been detected in surface waters near treated agricultural, urban, and mixed landscapes. The hazards of pesticide runoff can be prevented through best management practices, including the establishment of diverse wetland plant barriers that can phytoremediate the chemicals in which they come into contact with. In this study, the wetland plant species softrush (Juncus effusus), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), and arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia) were planted in sandy soil containers that were then placed in azoxystrobin or imidacloprid treated water. Every week for 2 months, water samples were collected for pesticide residue analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). At 14, 28, and 56 days after initiation, plants were destructively harvested and analyzed for pesticide residue in soil, above-ground vegetation, and below-ground vegetation. Results from this study report P. cordata reduced greater azoxystrobin (51.7% reduction compared to treated non-planted containers) compared to J. effusus and S. latifolia (24.9% and 28.7% reduction from non-planted containers) at 56 days. However, S. latifolia reduced greater imidacloprid (79.3% reduction compared to non-planted containers) compared to J. effusus and P. cordata (36.0% and 37.1% reduction from non-planted containers) at 56 days.Novelty statement: While research has found that wetland plants can absorb and remediate synthetic chemicals, this practice is only sustainable if used with native plants that require low maintenance and are tolerant to the applied substances. Various previous studies observe plants that are fast-growing, tolerant to environmental conditions, require low-maintenance, and are hardy. However, these plant species are not always suitable for any location and are often considered invasive and/or weed-like. The present research initiates a list of plant species which can be used within the southeastern United States and similar areas to phytoremediate commonly used pesticides azoxystrobin and imidacloprid and prevent off-target movement into sensitive water systems.