2021 article

Assessment of the impacts of sample preparation on the use of EDS for analysing recycled asphalt blending

Pape, S. E., & Castorena, C. A. (2021, June 17). JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY.

By: S. Pape n & C. Castorena n

author keywords: asphalt mixture; EDS; RAP; SEM; tracer
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that a high shear mixer can be used to prepare homogeneous, stable blends of a titanium dioxide tracer and virgin asphalt binder and that tracer-based EDS analysis of asphalt mixtures can measure local recycled material availability. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: June 28, 2021

AbstractSeveral past studies have demonstrated merit to using tracer‐based energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis to investigate blending between virgin and recycled materials in asphalt mixtures. However, these past studies have focused on proof of concept and did not establish robust fabrication and microscopy procedures. This study rigorously evaluates the ability to form a stable blend between the tracer and virgin asphalt binder, and the potential for tracer smearing during the preparation of EDS specimens. The results demonstrate that a high shear mixer can be used to prepare homogeneous, stable blends of a titanium dioxide tracer and virgin binder. A critical evaluation of an asphalt mixture specimen prepared to contain specific areas with and without the tracer demonstrates no evidence of tracer smearing due to sample preparation. The results demonstrate that tracer‐based EDS analysis of asphalt mixtures can measure local recycled material availability.