2020 article
Using Pixel-Based Microscope Images to Generate 3D Reconstructions of Frozen and Thawed Plant Tissue
PLANT COLD ACCLIMATION, 2 EDITION, Vol. 2156, pp. 119–139.

Histological analysis of frozen and thawed plants has been conducted for many years but the observation of individual sections only provides a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional phenomenon. Currently available optical sectioning techniques for viewing internal structures in three dimensions are either low in resolution or the instrument cannot penetrate deep enough into the tissue to visualize the whole plant. Methods using higher resolution equipment are expensive and often require time-consuming training. In addition, conventional stains cannot be used for optical sectioning techniques. We present a relatively simple and less expensive technique using pixel-based (JPEG) images of conventionally stained histological sections of an Arabidopsis thaliana plant. The technique uses commercially available software to generate a 3D representation of internal structures.