2014 journal article

Transport of Steroid Hormones, Phytoestrogens, and Estrogenic Activity across a Swine Lagoon/Sprayfield System


MeSH headings : Agriculture / methods; Androgens / chemistry; Androstenedione / chemistry; Animals; Diet / veterinary; Environmental Monitoring / methods; Equol / chemistry; Estrogens / chemistry; Estrone / chemistry; Feces / chemistry; Genistein / chemistry; Hormones / chemistry; Isoflavones / chemistry; Phytoestrogens / chemistry; Progesterone / chemistry; Steroids / chemistry; Swine; Urine / chemistry
TL;DR: This investigation encompasses the most comprehensive suite of natural hormone and phytoestrogen analytes examined to date across a livestock lagoon/sprayfield and provides global insight into the fate of these analytes in this widely used waste management system. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

The inflow, transformation, and attenuation of natural steroid hormones and phytoestrogens and estrogenic activity were assessed across the lagoon/sprayfield system of a prototypical commercial swine sow operation. Free and conjugated steroid hormones (estrogens, androgens, and progesterone) were detected in urine and feces of sows across reproductive stages, with progesterone being the most abundant steroid hormone. Excreta also contained phytoestrogens indicative of a soy-based diet, particularly, daidzein, genistein, and equol. During storage in barn pits and the anaerobic lagoon, conjugated hormones dissipated, and androgens and progesterone were attenuated. Estrone and equol persisted along the waste disposal route. Following application of lagoon slurry to agricultural soils, all analytes exhibited attenuation within 2 days. However, analytes including estrone, androstenedione, progesterone, and equol remained detectable in soil at 2 months postapplication. Estrogenic activity in the yeast estrogen screen and T47D-KBluc in vitro bioassays generally tracked well with analyte concentrations. Estrone was found to be the greatest contributor to estrogenic activity across all sample types. This investigation encompasses the most comprehensive suite of natural hormone and phytoestrogen analytes examined to date across a livestock lagoon/sprayfield and provides global insight into the fate of these analytes in this widely used waste management system.