2021 article
Flue-cured tobacco holding-ability is affected by harvest timing
Vann, M. C., Inman, M. D., & Fisher, L. R. (2021, November 24). CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT, Vol. 11.

Abstract The propensity for flue‐cured tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves to retain or improve their visual quality and value over an extended period of time is referred to as “holding‐ability.” General holding‐ability models that are specific to popular cultivars are not available to commercial farmers. Research was conducted at five locations from 2009 to 2014 to determine the effect of flue‐cured tobacco cultivar and upper‐stalk harvest timing to cured leaf yield, visual quality, price per pound, and economic value per acre. Two commercial cultivars, ‘K326’ and ‘NC196’, were evaluated within each location, with upper‐stalk leaf harvest schedule as follows: 7 d under‐ripe (Day 0), 3 d over‐ripe (Day 10), 13 d over‐ripe (Day 20), 23 d over‐ripe (Day 30), and 33 d over‐ripe (Day 40). The measured parameters were not influenced by cultivar selection, thus indicating that K326 and NC196 are likely to have similar ripening patterns and holding‐ability when produced under the same growing conditions. Quadratic responses for harvest timing were significant for cured leaf measurements. Yield and visual quality were greatest at Days 17 and 20, respectively. Cured leaf price continued to increase until Day 25, although maximum economic value per acre was obtained at Days 20 and 21 (US$3,041 acre –1 ). Increases in yield, quality, and value from Day 0 through 20 suggest that a 2‐wk delay in the harvest of upper‐stalk leaves may prove to be financially advantageous to farmers.