2010 journal article

The Effects of Place Attachment, Hypothetical Site Modifications and Use Levels on Recreation Behavior


By: J. Smith n, C. Siderelis n & R. Moore n

author keywords: Contingent Behavior; Stated Preferences; Place Identity; Place Dependence; Travel Cost Model
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

This study integrates place attachment dimensions into a travel cost model utilizing stated preferences for various hypothetical scenarios involving site development and changes to current use levels at a Bureau of Land Management Special Recreation Management Area. We examine changes in intended behavior contingent on hypothetical scenarios and varying levels of place identity and dependence. Results suggest trip behavior to the area will either remain the same or decline in frequency given each of the hypothetical scenarios. The analysis also revealed visitors' level of place identity was significantly related to intended trip behavior while place dependence was not. These findings reveal travel cost modeling approach can incorporate both stated preferences and psychometric scaling to provide useful information for resource managers.