2015 journal article
Runoff and Pollutant Export from a LID Subdivision in North Carolina
AbstractStorm rainfall on and runoff from a 3.35-ha low-impact development (LID) residential subdivision in the Piedmont region of North Carolina were monitored for 6+ years, which included predevelopment, during-development, and postdevelopment phases. Runoff was monitored and sampled at two stations using automated samplers. Along with residences, the drainage area to one of the stations (PC1) included an undisturbed wooded riparian buffer with level spreaders to distribute runoff, while the area to the other station (PC2) included four bioretention areas, permeable pavement, a roof runoff collection system, a detention pond, and other LID measures. Monitoring results documented that the postdevelopment, runoff to rainfall ratio, and pollutant export at both stations were significantly greater than those of the predevelopment phase, during which time the land use on the site was mature woods. The total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended solids (TSS) export at both LID monitoring s...