2022 article

Combining Isotopologue Workflows and Simultaneous Multidimensional Separations to Detect, Identify, and Validate Metabolites in Untargeted Analyses

Dodds, J. N., Wang, L., Patti, G. J., & Baker, E. S. (2022, January 28). ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.

By: J. Dodds n, L. Wang*, G. Patti* & E. Baker n

MeSH headings : Chromatography, Liquid; Ion Mobility Spectrometry; Metabolomics / methods; Tandem Mass Spectrometry; Workflow
TL;DR: The analytical utility of incorporating ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) as an additional separation mechanism into standard LC-MS/MS isotopologue workflows is evaluated to highlight the enhanced separation space and increased annotation confidence afforded by IMS for metabolic characterization and provide a unique perspective for future developments in isotopically labeled MS experiments. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 14, 2022

While the combination of liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is commonly used for feature annotation in untargeted omics experiments, ensuring these prioritized features originate from endogenous metabolism remains challenging. Isotopologue workflows, such as isotopic ratio outlier analysis (IROA), mass isotopomer ratio analysis of U-13C labeled extracts (MIRACLE), and credentialing incorporate isotopic labels directly into metabolic precursors, guaranteeing that all features of interest are unequivocal byproducts of cellular metabolism. Furthermore, comprehensive separation and annotation of small molecules continue to challenge the metabolomics field, particularly for isomeric systems. In this paper, we evaluate the analytical utility of incorporating ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) as an additional separation mechanism into standard LC-MS/MS isotopologue workflows. Since isotopically labeled molecules codrift in the IMS dimension with their 12C versions, LC-IMS-CID-MS provides four dimensions (LC, IMS, MS, and MS/MS) to directly investigate the metabolic activity of prioritized untargeted features. Here, we demonstrate this additional selectivity by showcasing how a preliminary data set of 30 endogeneous metabolites are putatively annotated from isotopically labeled Escherichia coli cultures when analyzed by LC-IMS-CID-MS. Metabolite annotations were based on several molecular descriptors, including accurate mass measurement, carbon number, annotated fragmentation spectra, and collision cross section (CCS), collectively illustrating the importance of incorporating IMS into isotopologue workflows. Overall, our results highlight the enhanced separation space and increased annotation confidence afforded by IMS for metabolic characterization and provide a unique perspective for future developments in isotopically labeled MS experiments.