2022 journal article
Analysis of a Multi-Environment Trial for Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) Quality Traits
GENES, 13(3).
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U.S. black raspberry (BR) production is currently limited by narrowly adapted, elite germplasm. An improved understanding of genetic control and the stability of pomological traits will inform the development of improved BR germplasm and cultivars. To this end, the analysis of a multiple-environment trial of a BR mapping population derived from a cross that combines wild ancestors introgressed with commercial cultivars on both sides of its pedigree has provided insights into genetic variation, genotype-by-environment interactions, quantitative trait loci (QTL), and QTL-by-environment interactions (QEI) of fruit quality traits among diverse field environments. The genetic components and stability of four fruit size traits and six fruit biochemistry traits were characterized in this mapping population following their evaluation over three years at four distinct locations representative of current U.S. BR production. This revealed relatively stable genetic control of the four fruit size traits across the tested production environments and less stable genetic control of the fruit biochemistry traits. Of the fifteen total QTL, eleven exhibited significant QEI. Closely overlapping QTL revealed the linkage of several fruit size traits: fruit mass, drupelet count, and seed fraction. These and related findings are expected to guide further genetic characterization of BR fruit quality, management of breeding germplasm, and development of improved BR cultivars for U.S. production.