2022 journal article
Circadian disruption and cisplatin chronotherapy for mammary carcinoma

Solid tumors are commonly treated with cisplatin, which can cause off-target side effects in cancer patients. Chronotherapy is a potential strategy to reduce drug toxicity. To determine the effectiveness of timed-cisplatin treatment in mammals, we compared two conditions: clock disrupted jet-lag and control conditions. Under normal and disrupted clock conditions, triple-negative mammary carcinoma cells were injected subcutaneously into eight-week-old NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid/J female mice. Tumor volumes and body weights were measured in these mice before and after treatment with cisplatin. We observed an increase in tumor volumes in mice housed under disrupted clock compared to the normal clock conditions. After treatment with cisplatin, we observed a reduced tumor growth rate in mice treated at ZT10 compared to ZT22 and untreated cohorts under normal clock conditions. However, these changes were not seen with the jet-lag protocol. We also observed greater body weight loss in mice treated with ZT10 compared to ZT22 or untreated mice in the jet-lag protocol. Our observations suggest that the effectiveness of cisplatin in mammary carcinoma treatment is time-dependent in the presence of the circadian clock.