2022 article

60 GHz Outdoor Propagation Measurements and Analysis Using Facebook Terragraph Radios


By: K. Du n, O. Mujumdar n, O. Ozdemir n, E. Ozturk n, I. Guvenc n, M. Sichitiu n, H. Dai n, A. Bhuyan*

author keywords: 60 GHz; AERPAW; channel sounding measurements; delay spread; drone; LOS; mmWave; MPCs; path loss
TL;DR: This work investigated the propagation and scattering behavior of 60 GHz mmWave signals in outdoor environments at a travel distance of 98 m for an aerial link (rooftop to rooftop), and 147 m for a ground link (light-pole to light-pole). (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: June 13, 2022

The high attenuation of millimeter-wave (mmWave) would significantly reduce the coverage areas, and hence it is critical to study the propagation characteristics of mmWave in multiple deployment scenarios. In this work, we investigated the propagation and scattering behavior of 60 GHz mmWave signals in outdoor environments at a travel distance of 98 m for an aerial link (rooftop to rooftop), and 147 m for a ground link (light-pole to light-pole). Measurements were carried out using Facebook Terragraph (TG) radios. Results include received power, path loss, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and root mean square (RMS) delay spread for all beamforming directions supported by the antenna array. Strong line-of-sight (LOS) propagation exists in both links. We also observed rich multipath components (MPCs) due to edge scatterings in the aerial link, while only LOS and ground reflection MPCs in the other link.