2022 journal article

Morphometric and Genetic Description of Trophic Adaptations in Cichlid Fishes

Biology, 11(8), 1165.

By: L. DeLorenzo*, V. DeBrock*, A. Baez n, P. Ciccotto n, E. Peterson n, C. Stull n, N. Roberts n, R. Roberts n, K. Powder*

author keywords: craniofacial; quantitative trait loci; geometric morphometrics
TL;DR: The genetic and molecular origins of trophic adaptation using Lake Malawi cichlids, which have undergone an exemplary evolutionary radiation, suggest that craniofacial traits are mostly inherited as separate modules, which confers a high potential for the evolution of morphological diversity. (via Semantic Scholar)
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13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: August 8, 2022

Since Darwin, biologists have sought to understand the evolution and origins of phenotypic adaptations. The skull is particularly diverse due to intense natural selection on feeding biomechanics. We investigated the genetic and molecular origins of trophic adaptation using Lake Malawi cichlids, which have undergone an exemplary evolutionary radiation. We analyzed morphological differences in the lateral and ventral head shape among an insectivore that eats by suction feeding, an obligate biting herbivore, and their F2 hybrids. We identified variation in a series of morphological traits-including mandible width, mandible length, and buccal length-that directly affect feeding kinematics and function. Using quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, we found that many genes of small effects influence these craniofacial adaptations. Intervals for some traits were enriched in genes related to potassium transport and sensory systems, the latter suggesting co-evolution of feeding structures and sensory adaptations for foraging. Despite these indications of co-evolution of structures, morphological traits did not show covariation. Furthermore, phenotypes largely mapped to distinct genetic intervals, suggesting that a common genetic basis does not generate coordinated changes in shape. Together, these suggest that craniofacial traits are mostly inherited as separate modules, which confers a high potential for the evolution of morphological diversity. Though these traits are not restricted by genetic pleiotropy, functional demands of feeding and sensory structures likely introduce constraints on variation. In all, we provide insights into the quantitative genetic basis of trophic adaptation, identify mechanisms that influence the direction of morphological evolution, and provide molecular inroads to craniofacial variation.