2022 journal article
Examples of Risk Tools for Pests in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Developed for Five Countries Using Microsoft Excel

Abstract Suppressing pest populations below economically-damaging levels is an important element of sustainable peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production. Peanut farmers and their advisors often approach pest management with similar goals regardless of where they are located. Anticipating pest outbreaks using field history and monitoring pest populations are fundamental to protecting yield and financial investment. Microsoft Excel was used to develop individual risk indices for pests, a composite assessment of risk, and costs of risk mitigation practices for peanut in Argentina, Ghana, India, Malawi, and North Carolina (NC) in the United States (US). Depending on pests and resources available to manage pests, risk tools vary considerably, especially in the context of other crops that are grown in sequence with peanut, cultivars, and chemical inputs. In Argentina, India, and the US where more tools (e.g., mechanization and pesticides) are available, risk indices for a wide array of economically important pests were developed with the assumption that reducing risk to those pests likely will impact peanut yield in a positive manner. In Ghana and Malawi where fewer management tools are available, risks to yield and aflatoxin contamination are presented without risk indices for individual pests. The Microsoft Excel platform can be updated as new and additional information on effectiveness of management practices becomes apparent. Tools can be developed using this platform that are appropriate for their geography, environment, cropping systems, and pest complexes and management inputs that are available. In this article we present examples for the risk tool for each country.