2022 article

Effects of Nitrogen Source and Rate on Soybean Yield and Quality

Burns, J., Kulesza, S., Vann, R., & Woodley, A. (2022, September 4). COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS, Vol. 9.

By: J. Burns n, S. Kulesza n, R. Vann n & A. Woodley n

author keywords: Soybean; poultry litter; nitrogen
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UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: September 19, 2022

The poultry industry in North Carolina (NC) has increased substantially over the past few decades, which has led to widespread availability of poultry litter. While many grain producers in NC utilize litter in their fertilization programs, it is typically applied to the corn or wheat crops that are in the rotation with soybean, instead of directly prior to soybeans. However, there is interest in application to soybean. Therefore, three field sites were established across NC in both 2019 and 2020, with four replicates of 11 treatments: four litter rates (22.4, 44.8, 89.7 and 134.5 Mg/hectare), six inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates (16.8, 33.6, 67.3, 134.5, 201.8, and 269.0 kg N/hectare), and a control. The impact of these treatments on biomass production, tissue N, plant population, yield, and grain quality were investigated. There was no significant effect on yield in 2019; however, there was a significant effect on yield in 2020, showing a negative correlation with inorganic N fertilizer in Plymouth and a 22% reduction in yield over the range of inorganic N treatments. It is possible there was an increased salt effect in these plots, as there was a negative response in plant population at five of six site years. While there was a positive correlation between grain protein and increasing inorganic N rate, growers are not paid based on grain quality. The results of this study suggest N application at planting is not beneficial for growers, but litter could be applied to meet soybean phosphorus or potassium demands.