2018 journal article

Color, Transfer, and Application Parameters of Turfgrass Colorants

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(1), 66–76.

By: G. Pinnix n, G. Miller n, D. Bowman n & G. Grabow n

Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

Core Ideas Turf colorants can be used as an alternative to winter overseeding, therefore saving turf managers resources. Multidimensional scaling analysis can be used to separate turf colorants into groups, allowing turf managers to better select products based on color parameters. Turf colorant transfer varies greatly among products and can result in severe staining. Turfgrass colorants are primarily used as an alternative to winter overseeding. Information on colorants is limited in the scientific literature. The primary objective of this field study was to evaluate the effect turfgrass colorants had on color parameters (colorant intensity, color, and hue angle) of dormant bermudagrass ( Cynodon sp.). Secondary objectives were to examine colorant transfer (wipe off) from the turfgrass surface to an absorbent material and to measure product viscosities. Twenty‐five colorants were applied at two spray volumes (75 and 112 mL m –2 ) on dormant bermudagrass at two heights of cut (0.3 and 1.5 cm). Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis were used to separate colorants based on measured color parameters. Group 1 colorants maintained colorant intensity the longest, but colorant color was reduced at application due to the appearance of bright blue (e.g., Munsell 5BG/6/6) and bright green (e.g., Munsell 7.5GY/7/10) colors. Group 2 colorants provided the darkest green (e.g., Munsell 5GY/4/4) color, while Group 3 colorants provided minimal color change of dormant turfgrass. Among the Group 2 colorants, Green Lawnger, Lesco Green, Ultradwarf Super, Southwest Green, and Endurant provided a natural green color. Measurements of colorant transfer showed that Blue, Regreen, SprayMax, Green Dye Turf, Titan Green Turf, Solarogen, and Endurant have the highest propensity to disassociate from treated turfgrass. The use of multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis provided new information regarding a number of turf colorants. Grouping products by measured parameters indicated that products within Group 2 provided superior performance.