2022 article

CLAIRE: Enabling Continual Learning for Real-time Autonomous Driving with a Dual-head Architecture


By: H. Zhang n & F. Mueller n

author keywords: Autonomous Systems; On-board Continual Learning; Real-Time Deep Learning Inference
TL;DR: A novel lightweight dual-head detection network architecture is proposed to overcome forgetting and to support fast on-board continual learning on small sets of new images and assesses the feasibility of continual learning methods for autonomous driving. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: October 17, 2022

Autonomous vehicles rely on a pre-trained object detector to perceive surroundings. However, when never seen before scenarios are encountered, late decisions may result in hard braking due to perceived threats. Image sequences leading to such a situation provide the potential to learn and improve over time. Yet instant re-training on board with all prior training data is infeasible given computational, storage and power constraints. What’s more, exposure of a pre-trained CNN to only images of the new scenario is known to result in “catastrophic forgetting” for already learned features.This work makes several contributions: A novel lightweight dual-head detection network architecture is proposed to overcome forgetting and to support fast on-board continual learning on small sets of new images and assesses the feasibility of continual learning methods for autonomous driving. A sensitivity study on the quality and quantity of continually learned images for our dual-head technique is performed, including an assessment of its real-time suitability. Experiments show that our method’s accuracy is improved by up to 13% and performance increases by 5.8X over a state-of-the-art continual learning framework. This makes it suitable for autonomous driving scenarios with real-time constraints. Source code is made available via Github.