2016 journal article
Correlation of dynamic cone penetrometer index to proof roller test to assess subgrade soils stabilization criterion
The proof roller test has been traditionally carried out as a technique for subgrade quality assessment in road construction and the induced pumping and permanent deformation are used as the basis for subgrade’s pass/fail criteria. The objective of the study presented herein is to assess the feasibility of using the dynamic cone penetrometer index, DCPI, to discern the need for undercut and the quality of subgrade. A series of 3D FEM analysis was performed to develop a subgrade stabilization recommendation chart, based on the predicted properties from DCPI and deformation response under cyclic proof roll loading. The ‘not passing’ criterion (will be referred to herein as ‘failure’ criterion) was determined as a 25 mm permanent deformation under proof roll test. It was determined that the failure deformation occurs at DCPI value of 38 mm/blow for single layer subgrade soil with the Mr/E50 of 6, ratio of resilient modulus to the secant modulus at 50% shear failure. These results are consistent with NCDOT 38 mm/blow undercut criteria. The numerical results indicated that the subgrade with 300 mm stiff layer (DCPI < 20 mm/blow) on top does not require any subgrade soil stabilization given the assumed properties of the underlying layers. On the other hand, the results indicated that subgrade stabilization is required where top 300 mm of the subgrade is a very soft soil layer (DCPI > 60 mm/blow), unless the sublayers underneath are composed of stiff soil (DCPI < 20 mm/blow).