2022 journal article

Endometrial receptivity in cattle: the mutual reprogramming paradigm

Animal Reproduction.

TL;DR: Characteristics of the luminal compartment as well as the regulation of its composition to determine the pregnancy outcome will be discussed. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: January 26, 2023

Abstract Prior to implantation in cattle, the mucous medium contained in the uterine lumen serves as a working interface for molecular exchange and signaling between the lining endometrium and the embryo. The composition of this luminal fluid changes temporally according to the secretory and reabsorptive activities of the uterus and the embryo, which are under complex regulation. Via this interface, both the embryo and the endometrium reprogram each other’s functions to support pregnancy continuation beyond the pre-implantation period. More specifically, the embryo receives elongation signals and the uterus receives anti-luteolytic stimuli. Here, characteristics of the luminal compartment as well as the regulation of its composition to determine the pregnancy outcome will be discussed.