2023 article
Analysis of alkaloids and reducing sugars in processed and unprocessed tobacco leaves using a handheld near infrared spectrometer
Castillo, M. S., Acosta, J. J., Hodge, G. R., Vann, M. C., & Lewis, R. S. (2023, January 16). JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 1.

Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy calibration models were developed to predict chemical properties of flue-cured tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf samples using a microPHAZIR TM handheld NIR spectrometer. The sample data set consisted of 348 leaf-bundled samples of upper-stalk flue-cured tobacco leaves collected from an array of cultivars evaluated in multiple locations. Unprocessed leaf samples were intact whole unground leaves collected from curing barns. Processed leaf samples were further dried and ground before scanning. The NIR prediction models for percent reducing sugars, percent total alkaloids, and percent nicotine were very good for processed leaves [r 2 (SEP in %) values = 0.98 (0.82), 0.92 (0.17), and 0.92 (0.14), respectively]. The models for the same three variables for unprocessed leaves were also very good, with only slightly lower fit statistics [r 2 (SEP) = 0.93 (1.58), 0.87 (0.22), and 0.88 (0.18), respectively). Fit statistics for anabasine NIR models were intermediate with r 2 (SEP in %) values ranging from 0.73 (0.003) to 0.76 (0.003), while the lowest fit statistics were observed for anatabine and norticotine with r 2 (SEP in %) ranging from 0.49 (0.005) to 0.55 (0.017), respectively, for both unprocessed and processed leaves. Hence, use of a handheld NIR spectrometer would be of more limited value for these variables. The chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaf samples for some chemical traits can be directly assessed at the point when the leaves exit the curing barns, thus minimizing the need to dry and grind samples for colorimetric and chromatographic analyses.