2023 journal article
Addition of a protected complex of biofactors and antioxidants to breeder hen diets confers transgenerational protection against Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in progeny chicks
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Addition of vitamins and antioxidants has been long associated with increased immunity and are commonly used in the poultry industry; however, less is known regarding their use in broiler breeder hens. The objective of this study was to determine if feeding a complex of protected biofactors and antioxidants composed of vitamins and fermentation extracts to broiler breeder hens conferred resistance against Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) in the progeny chicks. Three-day-old chicks from control- and supplement-fed hens were challenged with S. Enteritidis and necropsied 4- and 11-days postchallenge (dpc) to determine if there were differences in invasion and colonization. Serum and jejunum were evaluated for various cytokine and chemokine production. Fewer (P = 0.002) chicks from supplement-fed hens had detectable S. Enteritidis in the ceca (32.6%) compared to chicks from control-fed hens (64%). By 11 dpc, significantly (P < 0.001) fewer chicks from supplement-fed hens were positive for S. Enteritidis (liver [36%]; ceca [16%]) compared to chicks from the control hens (liver [76%]; ceca [76%]). The recoverable S. Enteritidis in the cecal content was also lower (P = 0.01) at 11 dpc. In additional to the differences in invasion and colonization, cytokine and chemokine production were distinct between the 2 groups of chicks. Chicks from supplement-fed hens had increased production of IL-16, IL-6, MIP-3α, and RANTES in the jejunum while IL-16 and MIP-1β were higher in the serum of chicks from the control-fed hens. By 11 dpc, production of IFN-γ was decreased in the jejunum of chicks from supplement-fed hens. Collectively, these data demonstrate adding a protected complex of biofactors and antioxidants to the diet of broiler breeder hens offers a measure of transgenerational protection to the progeny against S. Enteritidis infection and reduces colonization that is mediated, in part, by a robust and distinct cytokine and chemokine response locally at the intestine and systemically in the blood.