2023 article

Advancing (Neuro)Entrepreneurship Cognition Research Through Resting-State fMRI: A Methodological Brief

Ooms, F., Annen, J., Panda, R., Meunier, P., Tshibanda, L., Laureys, S., … Surlemont, B. (2023, May 8). ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, Vol. 5.

author keywords: entrepreneur; manager; fMRI; neuroentrepreneurship; cognitive flexibility; brain
TL;DR: It is shown that habitual entrepreneurs have increased functional connectivity between the insula (a region associated with cognitive flexibility) and the anterior prefrontal cortex (a key region for explorative choice) as compared to managers, which could help promote flexible behavior. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: May 30, 2023

Despite many calls, functional brain magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies are relatively rare in the domain of entrepreneurship research. This methodological brief presents the brain-imaging method of resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) and illustrates its application in neuroentrepreneurship for the first time. In contrast to the traditional task-based fMRI approach, rs-fMRI observes the brain in the absence of cognitive tasks or presentation of stimuli, which offers benefits for improving our understanding of the entrepreneurial mind. Here, we describe the method and provide methodological motivations for performing brain resting-state functional neuroimaging studies on entrepreneurs. In addition, we illustrate the use of seed-based correlation analysis, one of the most common analytical approaches for analyzing rs-fMRI data. In this illustration, we show that habitual entrepreneurs have increased functional connectivity between the insula (a region associated with cognitive flexibility) and the anterior prefrontal cortex (a key region for explorative choice) as compared to managers. This increased connectivity could help promote flexible behavior. Thus in brief, we provide an exemplar of a novel way to expand our understanding of the brain in the domain of entrepreneurship. We discuss possible directions for future research and challenges to be addressed to facilitate the inclusion of re-fMRI studies into neuroentrepreneurship.