2023 article

Supplementary material to "Spatiotemporally resolved emissions and concentrations of Styrene, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (SBTEX) in the U.S. Gulf region"

Wang, C.-T., Baek, B. H., Vizuete, W., Xing, J., Green, J., Serre, M., … Woo, J.-H. (2023, June 7).

Source: ORCID
Added: June 8, 2023

Emissions Modeling Platform(EMP) version 6 (USEPA, 2021b), based on the official 2011 NEI with the SMOKE model system to generate the year 2012 gridded hourly emissions for the CAMx modeling.The following emission source types were processed: 1) area, 2) point, 3) mobile, and 4) biogenic source types.The area emission sources included the following emission sectors: fugitive dust (afdust), commercial marine vessels (cmv), non-point source oil and gas industry (np_oilgas), rail, agriculture (ag), agriculture fire (agfire), non-point (nonpt), and nonroad.The stationary point sources included stationary point electric generating units (ptegu), point source fire or wildfire (ptfire), point source from non-electric generating unit point source (ptnonipm, which include most industrial processes but exclude the "egu" and "oilgas" industry), and point source oil and gas (pt_oilgas) sectors.The details of these emission sectors can be found in the technical supporting