2023 article

Improving Workers' Musculoskeletal Health During Human-Robot Collaboration Through Reinforcement Learning

Improving Workers’ Musculoskeletal Health During Human-Robot Collaboration Through Reinforcement Learning. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

By: Z. Xie n, L. Lu n, H. Wang n, B. Su n, Y. Liu n & X. Xu n

author keywords: robotics; computer-supported collaborations; human-automation interaction; job risk assessment; human-robot interaction
TL;DR: The proposed model-free reinforcement learning method can learn the optimal worker postures without the need for specific biomechanical models and can be applied to improve the occupational safety in robot-implemented factories. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: June 19, 2023

Objective This study aims to improve workers’ postures and thus reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in human-robot collaboration by developing a novel model-free reinforcement learning method. Background Human-robot collaboration has been a flourishing work configuration in recent years. Yet, it could lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders if the collaborative tasks result in awkward postures for workers. Methods The proposed approach follows two steps: first, a 3D human skeleton reconstruction method was adopted to calculate workers’ continuous awkward posture (CAP) score; second, an online gradient-based reinforcement learning algorithm was designed to dynamically improve workers’ CAP score by adjusting the positions and orientations of the robot end effector. Results In an empirical experiment, the proposed approach can significantly improve the CAP scores of the participants during a human-robot collaboration task when compared with the scenarios where robot and participants worked together at a fixed position or at the individual elbow height. The questionnaire outcomes also showed that the working posture resulted from the proposed approach was preferred by the participants. Conclusion The proposed model-free reinforcement learning method can learn the optimal worker postures without the need for specific biomechanical models. The data-driven nature of this method can make it adaptive to provide personalized optimal work posture. Application The proposed method can be applied to improve the occupational safety in robot-implemented factories. Specifically, the personalized robot working positions and orientations can proactively reduce exposure to awkward postures that increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The algorithm can also reactively protect workers by reducing the workload in specific joints.