2023 article

Surgical technique and complications associated with laparoscopic pleuroperitoneal diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy in a dog

Devereux, E. A., & Scharf, V. F. (2023, June 20). VETERINARY RECORD CASE REPORTS.

By: E. Devereux n & V. Scharf n

author keywords: laparoscopic herniorrhaphy; minimally invasive surgery; pleuroperitoneal hernia
Source: Web Of Science
Added: July 3, 2023

AbstractAn 11‐year‐old, neutered, male French bulldog was referred for surgical repair of an incidentally diagnosed pleuroperitoneal diaphragmatic hernia. Thoracic computed tomography revealed a left centroventral diaphragmatic hernia with a large volume of left‐sided intrathoracic fat. A minimally invasive laparoscopic approach was elected. A portion of the intrathoracic fat was laparoscopically reduced. Adhesions and friability of the herniated fat prevented further reduction, and the remaining fat was transected using a vessel‐sealing device to enable herniorrhaphy via intracorporeal suturing. Immediate postoperative computed tomography performed under general anaesthesia confirmed an intact diaphragm with a large volume of persistent left‐sided intrathoracic fat. The patient was immediately returned to the operating room and a keyhole left lateral thoracotomy performed to remove the remaining herniated fat. The patient recovered from surgery and anaesthesia uneventfully. There were no short‐ or long‐term postoperative complications of herniorrhaphy.