2023 journal article
Stress of cupric ion and oxytetracycline in Chlorella vulgaris cultured in swine wastewater

Chlorella culturing has the advantages in treatment of wastewater including swine wastewater from anaerobic digesters due to the product of biolipids and the uptake of carbon dioxide. However, there often exist high concentrations of antibiotics and heavy metals in swine wastewater which could be toxic to chlorella and harmful to the biological systems. This study examined the stress of cupric ion and oxytetracycline (OTC) at various concentrations on the nutrient removal and biomass growth in Chlorella vulgaris culturing in swine wastewater from anaerobic digesters, and its biochemical responses were also studied. Results showed that dynamic hormesis of either OTC concentration or cupric ion one on Chlorella vulgaris were confirmed separately, and the presence of OTC not only did not limit biomass growth and lipids content of Chlorella vulgaris but also could mitigate the toxicity of cupric ion on Chlorella vulgaris in combined stress of Cu 2+ and OTC. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of Chlorella vulgaris were used to explain the mechanisms of stress for the first time. The content of proteins and carbohydrates in EPS increased, and the fluorescence spectrum intensity of tightly-bound EPS (TB-EPS) of Chlorella vulgaris decreased with increasing concentration of stress because Cu 2+ and OTC may be chelated with proteins of TB-EPS to form non-fluorescent characteristic chelates. The low concentration of Cu 2+ (≤1.0 mg/L) could enhance the protein content and promote the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) while these parameters were decreased drastically under 2.0 mg/L of Cu 2+ . The activity of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and glutathione (GSH) enhanced with the increase of OTC concentration under combined stress. This study helps to comprehend the impact mechanisms of stress on Chlorella vulgaris and provides a novel strategy to improve the stability of microalgae systems for wastewater treatment.