2023 journal article

Delivering Robust Proton-Only Sensing of Hyperpolarized [1,2-13C2]-Pyruvate Using Broad-Spectral-Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences

Delivering Robust Proton-Only Sensing of Hyperpolarized [1,2-13C2]-Pyruvate Using Broad-Spectral-Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences. ACS SENSORS, 8(11), 4101–4110.

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3. Good Health and Well-being (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: November 11, 2023

Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate is the leading hyperpolarized injectable contrast agent and is currently under evaluation in clinical trials for molecular imaging of metabolic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. One aspect limiting broad scalability of the technique is that hyperpolarized 13C MRI requires specialized 13C hardware and software that are not generally available on clinical MRI scanners, which employ proton-only detection. Here, we present an approach that uses pulse sequences to transfer 13C hyperpolarization to methyl protons for detection of the 13C–13C pyruvate singlet, employing proton-only excitation and detection only. The new pulse sequences are robust to the B1 and B0 magnetic field inhomogeneities. The work focuses on singlet-to-magnetization (S2M) and rotor-synchronized (R) pulses, both relying on trains of hard pulses with broad spectral width coverage designed to effectively transform hyperpolarized 13C2-singlet hyperpolarization to 1H polarization on the CH3 group of [1,2-13C2]pyruvate. This approach may enable a broader adoption of hyperpolarized MRI as a molecular imaging technique.