2023 conference paper

Board 82: Remote, Hands-on ECE Teaching: Project RECET

Connor, K., Mercer, D., Stancil, D., Booske, J., Devetsikiotis, M., Sullivan, B., … Byrd, G. (2023, June).

By: K. Connor n, D. Mercer n, D. Stancil n, J. Booske n, M. Devetsikiotis, B. Sullivan n, K. Gullie n, M. Klein n, G. Byrd n

Source: ORCID
Added: February 8, 2024

: RECET (Remote Electrical and Computer Engineering Teaching) is a pilot project developed by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) to help provide quality ECE education even when fully online and explore issues associated with blended online and in-person instruction for the future. The COVID-19 pandemic forced most ECE programs in the US to rapidly go online. Departments found this transition quite challenging if they had not previously developed materials and infrastructure for online delivery. Online compatible techniques for teaching have been developed and researched for years, but prior to COVID-19 they were not widely deployed across ECE Departments in the US. The extraordinary push to online learning forced programs to look to experienced instructors at other academic institutions and educational hardware and software engineers in industry for help. ECEDHA and IEC offered online meetings to facilitate communication between faculty and teaching support staff from their member programs, but missing was a searchable, curated, content repository, especially for remote hands-on learning. Project RECET is working to fill this void by enabling active sharing of course content with other institutions and industry. RECET, while still a pilot, has passed through several revisions to improve the user experience. RECET visitors are greeted by a diagram that shows its basic structure as seen by content users or providers. Content is tagged by topic, course level and hardware and/or software platform. Content