2024 journal article

On running coupling in the JIMWLK evolution and its Langevin formulation


author keywords: Deep Inelastic Scattering or Small-x Physics; Resummation; Effective Field Theories of QCD
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 1, 2024

A bstract Various conventional running coupling prescriptions reproducing β 0 -dependent terms of NLO JIMWLK are reviewed and found to be theoretically inconsistent: the JIMWLK evolution Hamiltonian with running coupling violates the requirement of positive semidefiniteness. This requirement appears to be tightly related to the possibility of having a Langevin formulation for the evolution. We also review the scheme that attributes a part of β 0 -dependent terms to the DGLAP evolution of the projectile. The remaining β 0 -dependent contributions sum up into so-called “daughter dipole” prescription, which leads to a manifestly positive semidefinite Hamiltonian.