2024 article

Comparison of the Backbone Dynamics of Dehaloperoxidase-Hemoglobin Isoenzymes

Gonzalez-Delgado, J. M., Thompson, P. M., Andralojc, W., Gdaniec, Z., Ghiladi, R. A., & Franzen, S. (2024, April 2). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol. 4.

By: J. Gonzalez-Delgado n, P. Thompson n, W. Andralojc*, Z. Gdaniec*, R. Ghiladi n & S. Franzen n

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Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 15, 2024

Dehaloperoxidase (DHP) is a multifunctional hemeprotein with a functional switch generally regulated by the chemical class of the substrate. Its two isoforms, DHP-A and DHP-B, differ by only five amino acids and have an almost identical protein fold. However, the catalytic efficiency of DHP-B for oxidation by a peroxidase mechanism ranges from 2- to 6-fold greater than that of DHP-A depending on the conditions. X-ray crystallography has shown that many substrates and ligands have nearly identical binding in the two isoenzymes, suggesting that the difference in catalytic efficiency could be due to differences in the conformational dynamics. We compared the backbone dynamics of the DHP isoenzymes at pH 7 through heteronuclear relaxation dynamics at 11.75, 16.45, and 19.97 T in combination with four 300 ns MD simulations. While the overall dynamics of the isoenzymes are similar, there are specific local differences in functional regions of each protein. In DHP-A, Phe35 undergoes a slow chemical exchange between two conformational states likely coupled to a swinging motion of Tyr34. Moreover, Asn37 undergoes fast chemical exchange in DHP-A. Given that Phe35 and Asn37 are adjacent to Tyr34 and Tyr38, it is possible that their dynamics modulate the formation and migration of the active tyrosyl radicals in DHP-A at pH 7. Another significant difference is that both distal and proximal histidines have a 15–18% smaller S2 value in DHP-B, thus their greater flexibility could account for the higher catalytic activity. The distal histidine grants substrate access to the distal pocket. The greater flexibility of the proximal histidine could also accelerate H2O2 activation at the heme Fe by increased coupling of an amino acid charge relay to stabilize the ferryl Fe(IV) oxidation state in a Poulos-Kraut "push–pull"-type peroxidase mechanism.