2024 journal article

A True Biomass Standout: Preparation and Application of Biomass-Derived Carbon Quantum Dots


By: X. Yang n, S. Fu*, A. Basta* & L. Lucia n

author keywords: Carbon quantum dots; Biomass; Nanomaterial; Synthetic method; Application
Source: Web Of Science
Added: July 17, 2024

Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) are an emerging type of multifunctional nanomaterial. They have unique optical and electronic properties based on their quantum size effect and limiting effect. The carbon quantum dot prepared from biomass is green and environmentally friendly, and it can also achieve a high comprehensive utilization of undervalued biomass wastes. Biomass carbon quantum dots with abundant surface functional groups and good biocompatibility show great potential in ion detection and bioimaging. This review paper focuses on the synthesis methods of CQDs from biomass and the perspective of their applications in recent years, as well as the challenges in the future.