2024 article

Phenotype-driven assessment of the ancestral trajectory of sulfur biooxidation in the thermoacidophilic archaea Sulfolobaceae

Willard, D. J., Manesh, M. J. H., Bing, R. G., Alexander, B. H., & Kelly, R. M. (2024, July 2). MBIO, Vol. 7.

author keywords: archaea; sulfur; thermoacidophile; genomes; chemolithotrophy
Source: Web Of Science
Added: July 17, 2024

Certain members of the family Sulfolobaceae represent the only archaea known to oxidize elemental sulfur, and their evolutionary history provides a framework to understand the development of chemolithotrophic growth by sulfur oxidation. Here, we evaluate the sulfur oxidation phenotype of Sulfolobaceae species and leverage comparative genomic and transcriptomic analysis to identify the key genes linked to sulfur oxidation. Metabolic engineering of the obligate heterotroph