2024 journal article

Incoherent diffractive dijet production and gluon Bose enhancement in the nuclear wave function


By: T. Kar n, A. Kovner*, M. Li* & V. Skokov n

Source: ORCID
Added: July 22, 2024

A bstract We investigate the effect of gluon Bose enhancement in the nuclear wave function on the dijet production in incoherent diffractive processes in DIS and ultraperipheral collisions. We demonstrate that Bose enhancement leads to an enhancement of diffractive dijet production cross section when the transverse momenta of the two jets are aligned at zero relative angle. This enhancement is maximal when the magnitude of the transverse momenta of the two jets are equal, and disappears rather quickly as a function of the ratio of the two momenta. We study both the dilute limit and fully nonlinear dense regime where the nuclear wave function is evolved with the leading order JIMWLK equation. In both cases we observe a visible effect, with it being enhanced by the evolution due to the dynamical generation of the color neutralization scale.