2023 journal article
Identification of High-Yielding Soybean Lines with Exceptional Seed Composition Qualities
CROPS, 3(4), 333–342.

In current markets, the primary uses for soybean seeds are in products derived from their oil or protein content. However, growers are compensated based on seed yield, so a more valuable crop is one that does not compromise on yield when compared with existing options, with an optimum combination of protein and oil. A negative correlation of seed protein with seed yield and oil makes the simultaneous improvement of these traits difficult but not impossible through conventional breeding. Selections of lines with exceptional yield and seed composition were made from two recombinant inbred line (RIL) soybean mapping populations to identify high protein and/or high oil lines with yields comparable to elite cultivars. The performance of these RILs was evaluated in multiple environments, and several genotypes were identified with yields comparable to those of high-yielding check cultivars with seed protein and/or oil content superior to the checks. These genotypes will provide breeders with additional sources of germplasm for continuing efforts to improve seed composition traits without compromising seed yield and provide growers with more profitable cultivars.