2024 journal article
Prey detection by a stepwise visual template matching mechanism
Royal Society Open Science.
Predators can improve prey capture using a search image, and recent prey provide a visual template with which subsequent prey are compared. Considering trout feeding responses to mayfly prey of different sizes and phenological availability across years, we tested if changing relative abundances (ratios) of prey of the same species, but different body sizes, shifted trout feeding behaviour. For example, we hypothesized that a feeding switch from larger to smaller prey required continuous exposure to the novel smaller prey. The hypothesis that continuous exposure to novel small prey results in their acceptance was not supported. Rather, we discovered that trout identify novel prey using a dynamic stepwise visual neural template prey matching process, which involves the formation of focal prey template based on size or type, rejection of novel prey that do not match the size or type templates and modification of the existing or development of multiple prey templates that eventually enabled recognition of novel, small prey. We also discovered trout store multiple visual prey templates in memory. These results have implications for predator and prey dynamics, optimal foraging, the persistence of rare prey, prey species coexistence and predator selection on prey phenology.