2024 journal article
The metamorphosis of semi-classical mechanisms of confinement: from monopoles on <i>ℝ</i><SUP>3</SUP> x <i>S</i><SUP>1</SUP> to center-vortices on <i>ℝ</i><SUP>2</SUP> x <i>T</i><SUP>2</SUP>
A bstract There are two distinct regimes of Yang-Mills theory where we can demonstrate confinement, the existence of a mass gap, and the multi-branch structure of the effective potential as a function of the theta angle using a reliable semi-classical calculation. The two regimes are deformed Yang-Mills theory on ℝ 3 × S 1 , and Yang-Mills theory on ℝ 2 × T 2 where the torus is threaded by a ’t Hooft flux. The weak coupling regime is ensured by the small size of the circle or torus. In the first case the confinement mechanism is related to self-dual monopoles, whereas in the second case self-dual center-vortices play a crucial role. These two topological objects are distinct. In particular, they have different mutual statistics with Wilson loops. On the other hand, they carry the same topological charge and action. We consider the theory on ℝ × T 2 × S 1 and extrapolate both the monopole and vortex regimes to a quantum mechanical domain, where a cross-over takes place. Both sides of the cross-over are described by a deformed ℤ N TQFT. On ℝ 2 × S 1 × S 1 , we derive an effective field theory (EFT) of vortices from the EFT of monopoles in the presence of a ’t Hooft flux. This construction is based on a two-stage Higgs mechanism, reducing SU( N ) to U(1) N −1 in 3d first, followed by reduction to a ℤ N EFT in 2d in the second step. This result shows how monopoles transmute into center-vortices, and suggests adiabatic continuity between the two confinement mechanisms. The basic mechanism is flux fractionalization: the magnetic flux of the monopoles splits up and is collimated in such a way that 2d Wilson loops detect it as a center vortex.