2004 article

Environmentally superior technologies for swine waste management


By: F. Humenik n, J. Rice n, C. Baird n & R. Koelsch*

author keywords: environmental protection; nitrogen management; sustainable production
TL;DR: The 18 candidate technologies are identified and three with the longest operating period, and thus most data to date are discussed and methods for distributing this information for implementation of cost-effective technologies through the Curriculum Project and the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management will be presented. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

The high nitrogen content of animal waste provides opportunities for processing to marketable byproducts and challenges for proper management to avoid harmful impacts. Technologies are being developed to conserve and utilize nitrogen as well as other valuable constituents in animal waste. Advanced treatment technologies are also being developed for housing/waste management systems that address public concerns and protect soil, water and air quality. Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms and Frontline Farmers have entered into an agreement with North Carolina to develop environmentally superior technologies that meet these goals. The 18 candidate technologies are identified and three with the longest operating period, and thus most data to date are discussed. Methods for distributing this information for implementation of cost-effective technologies through the Curriculum Project and the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management will be presented. This work supports priority goals to conserve and utilize valuable animal waste constituents while also protecting against negative impacts.