2007 journal article
Pilot production of hatchery-reared summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus in a marine recirculating aquaculture system: The effects of ration level on growth, feed conversion, and survival
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 36(1), 120–128.
Pilot-scale trials were conducted to evaluate growout performance of hatchery-reared summer flounder fingerlings in a state-of-the-art recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). The outdoor RAS consisted of four 4.57-m dia × 0.69-m deep (vol. =11.3 m3) covered, insulated tanks and associated water treatment components. Fingerlings (85.1 g mean initial weight) supplied by a commercial hatchery were stocked into two tanks at a density of 1,014 fish/tank (7.63 kg/m3). Fish were fed an extruded dry floating diet consisting of 50% protein and 12% lipid. The temperature was maintained between 20 C and 23 C and the salinity was 34 ppt. Under these conditions, growth, growth variation (CVwt), feed utilization, and survival of fish fed to 100% and 82% of a satiation rate were compared. Due to clear changes in growth patterns during the study, data was analyzed in three phases. During phase 1 (d 1–d 196), fish showed rapid growth, reaching a mean weight of 288 g ± 105 and 316 g ± 102, with a CVwt of 0.36 and 0.32 and FCR's of 1.38 and 1.36 in the subsatiation and satiation groups, respectively. During phase 2 (d 196–d 454), fish displayed slower growth reaching mean weights of 392 g ± 144 and 436 g ± 121, with a CVwt of 0.37 and 0.28, and increasing FCR's of 3.45 and 3.12 in the subsatiation and satiation groups, respectively. During phase 3 (d 454–d 614), fish showed little growth reaching mean weights of 399 g ± 153 and 440 g ± 129, with a CVwt of 0.38 and 0.29 in the subsatiation and satiation groups, respectively. Over the entire growout period (d 1–d 614), feed conversion ratios were 2.39 and 2.37 and survival was 75% and 81 % in the subsatiation and satiation treatments, respectively. The maximum biomass density reached during the study was 32.3 kg/m3. The satiation feed rate was superior to the 82% satiation rate, since it maximized growth rates, with no effect on FCR. The higher CVwt in the subsatiation group suggests increased competition for a restricted ration led to a slower growth with more growth variation. The decrease in growth in phases 2 and 3 was probably related to a high percentage of slower growing male fish in the population and the onset of sexual maturity. This study demonstrated that under commercial scale conditions, summer flounder can be successfully grown to a marketable size in a recirculating aquaculture system. Based on these results, it is recommended that a farmer feed at a satiation rate to minimize growout time. More research is needed to maintain high growth rates through marketable sizes through all-female production and/or inhibition of sexual maturity.