2007 article
Joseph M. Juran, a perspective on past contributions and future impact
Godfrey, A. B., & Kenett, R. S. (2007, October). QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 23, pp. 653–663.

Abstract This paper combines presentations by the authors in a special session dedicated to the work of Joseph M. Juran at the sixth annual conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics in Wroclaw, Poland. The paper offers an historical perspective of the contributions of J. M. Juran to management science emphasizing aspects of cause and effect relationships and Integrated Models. Specifically, the paper presents the Juran concepts of Management Breakthrough, the Pareto Principle, the Juran Trilogy ® and Six Sigma. The impact of these contributions, put in an historical perspective of key thinkers who investigated cause and effect relationships, is then discussed. The impact of these contributions to modern Integrated Models is then assessed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.