2020 journal article
Asymptotic convergence of the angular discretization error in the scalar flux computed from the particle transport equation with the method of discrete ordinates

The asymptotic convergence of the angular discretization error in the scalar flux solution of the particle transport equation computed with the Discrete Ordinates (SN) method with increasing quadrature order is examined. Five selected angular quadrature types are considered: Level Symmetric (LS), Legendre-Chebyshev Quadrangular (LCQ), Legendre-Chebyshev Triangular(LCT), Quadruple Range (QR) and Quadruple Range Spence-type (QRS) quadrature sets. We relate the SN angular discretization error to the quadrature error, and split the total flux into the uncollided flux and the fully collided flux, and then we verify the uncollided scalar flux error and the fully collided scalar flux error separately. After developing the theoretical basis for the relationship between true solution regularity and quadrature rule error, we employ a two-dimensional problem to verify the observed and theoretical convergence orders for the region-averaged uncollided and fully collided scalar flux errors. Numerical results show that the angular discretization errors in the region-averaged scalar flux obtained by different quadrature types converge with different rates, that are commensurate with the regularity order of the exact angular flux within the quadrature-designed integration interval. The angular discretization error in the uncollided region-averaged scalar flux obtained by LC class quadratures converges linearly, and the error obtained by QR class quadrature sets converges quadratically. The angular discretization error in the fully collided region-averaged scalar flux converges linearly for LC class quadratures, and faster-than-second order for QR class quadrature sets.