2011 conference paper

Renewable Ocean Energy

Coastal Engineering Practice (2011). Presented at the Conference on Coastal Engineering Practice 2011.

By: B. Edge n & N. White

Source: Crossref
Added: June 6, 2020

The oceans' systems offer significant potential for electrical power generation for hydrokinetic, ocean current and ocean thermal energy. Currently, the technologic readiness is premature for implementation on a grid scale. There has been limited testing of tidal and wave devices in the US on the east and west coasts. However no full-scale field tests for ocean current have been conducted. There is ample opportunity for crosscutting, multidisciplinary research and development to bring ocean energy to the grid. The North Carolina Legislature has taken the initiative to create the opportunity for exploring renewable ocean energy for the mid-Atlantic region and specifically for the State by funding a significant research program primarily directed at the technology.