2011 journal article

A Mixed Logit Model of Visitors' National Park Choices


By: C. Siderelis n, R. Moore n & J. Lee*

author keywords: choice modeling; mixed logit; national parks; outdoor recreation; recreation demand; recreation substitution
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

Abstract The purposes of this study were twofold. The first estimated a mixed logit model of South Korean National Park choices to determine how park size and miles of trail affected the choice patterns of visitors to the 18 parks in the system. The second applied the resulting choice model to simulate how the distribution of visits would change in response to two hypothetical but possible scenarios. One scenario involved the hypothetical changes in the miles of park trails and the other related to an increase in future visits to the 18 national parks. Motivating this study, in part, was the anticipated increase in national park visitation due to 2002 legislation converting the Republic of South Korea's six-day work week to five days and thereby reducing time constraints for vast numbers of potential visitors. The article illustrates the value of mixed logit modeling to understanding how management changes may affect visitation. Keywords: choice modelingmixed logitnational parksoutdoor recreationrecreation demandrecreation substitution Acknowledgments The authors thank the South Korean National Park Authority for supporting the research on which we based this study. Notes In fact, South Korean national park attendance, as measured from park entrance fees, was approximately 27.2 million visitors in 2007.