2021 article
First report of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 in Vitis vinifera in North Carolina
Hoffmann, M., Talton, W., Nita, M., Jones, T., Al Rwahnih, M., Sudarshana, M., & Almeyda, C. (2021, February). JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 103, pp. 385–386.
author keywords: GLRaV-3; Grapevine leafroll disease; GLD; Southeastern US
This is the first time GLRaV-3 is reported in North Carolina, USA and was detected by RT-qPCR using TaqManTM Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific) (Diaz-Lara et al. 2018).
(via Semantic Scholar)

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Source: Web Of Science
Added: December 11, 2020