2017 journal article

Fish Bioenergetics 4.0: An R-Based Modeling Application

Fisheries, 42(11), 586–596.

TL;DR: An overview of Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 (FB4), a newly developed modeling application that consists of a graphical user interface (Shiny by RStudio) combined with a modeling package used in the R computing environment that allows for timely updates and bug fixes. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Source: Crossref
Added: December 15, 2020

Bioenergetics modeling is a widely used tool in fisheries management and research. Although popular, currently available software (i.e., Fish Bioenergetics 3.0) has not been updated in over 20 years and is incompatible with newer operating systems (i.e., 64‐bit). Moreover, since the release of Fish Bioenergetics 3.0 in 1997, the number of published bioenergetics models has increased appreciably from 56 to 105 models representing 73 species. In this article, we provide an overview of Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 (FB4), a newly developed modeling application that consists of a graphical user interface (Shiny by RStudio) combined with a modeling package used in the R computing environment. While including the same capabilities as previous versions, Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 allows for timely updates and bug fixes and can be continuously improved based on feedback from users. In addition, users can add new or modified parameter sets for additional species and formulate and incorporate modifications such as habitat‐dependent functions (e.g., dissolved oxygen, salinity) that are not part of the default package. We hope that advances in the new modeling platform will attract a broad range of users while facilitating continued application of bioenergetics modeling to a wide spectrum of questions in fish biology, ecology, and management.