2012 journal article

Vertical distribution of sediments in pervious concrete pavement systems

ACI Materials Journal, 109(2), 149–155.

By: L. Mata & M. Leming*

UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

Pervious concrete pavement systems (PCPSs) are a unique and effective means to address important environmental issues and support green, sustainable growth by capturing storm water and allowing it to infiltrate into the underlying soil. Sedimentation leading to clogging, however, is a potential problem in the serviceability of PCPS. This article examined the sedimentation rates of pervious concrete with 20% porosity with three different soil types: sand, clayey silt, and clayey silty sand. Pervious concrete cylinder specimens were exposed to sediments mixed in water to simulate runoff with a typical load of soil sediments. The sedimentation tests confirmed that most sand sediments will be trapped on top of the concrete. However, part of the finer sand will be deposited within the concrete or travel through the concrete. This can affect the permeability of the PCPS.