2013 conference paper
Operation and design considerations of FID at distribution voltages
2013 twenty-eighth annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2013), 2206–2211.

This paper addresses the theory, construction, and testing of a novel prototype Solid State Fault Isolation Device (SSFID) that serves as an enabling technology for the multi-university, National Science Foundation funded Future Renewable Electrical Energy Distribution and Management (FREEDM) initiative. This initiative focuses on performing the fundamental research and devising breakthrough technologies to aid in the conversion of today's conventional grid to a more flexible and effective Power Electronics Distribution System (PEDS). The SSFID, the device on which this paper focuses, provides high speed (micro-seconds) sectionalizing and re-closing abilities that will support the use and function of other components of the FREEDM system that are being designed and tested by the other universities involved in the initiative. Its functional parameters and requirements are discussed and a prototype design, as well as its testing results, is presented.