2019 dataset

Neutrino Quantum Kinetics in Compact Objects


Source: ORCID
Added: June 5, 2021

This contains the codebase and data from "Neutrino Quantum Kinetics in<br> Compact Objects" by Sherwood Richers, Gail McLaughlin, Alexey<br> Vlasenko, and James P. Kneller. (2019, submitted to PrD) ======================<br> All f.h5 file contents<br> ======================<br> r(cm) - proxy for the time (r=ct)<br> dr_block(cm) - proxy for the block timestep (dr=cdt). Stored for<br> recovery purposes<br> dr_int(cm) - proxy for the interaction integration timestep<br> (dr=cdt). Stored for recovery purposes.<br> dr_osc(cm) - proxy for the oscillation integration timestep<br> (dr=cdt). Stored for recovery purposes.<br> fmatrixf - dimensionless distribution function. Accessed with<br> [time][helicity][energy][flavor1][flavor2][0=real,1=imaginary] ==================<br> Directory contents<br> ================== fiducial - simulation output from the fiducial case of a background<br> with rho=1e10g/ccm, T=10MeV, Ye=0.3, the HShen EOS, including<br> oscillations, neutrino absorption on nucleons and nuclei, inelastic<br> electron scattering, elastic nucleon scattering, electron-positron<br> pair production, effective-absorption nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung,<br> and neutrino-neutrino scattering and pair processes. Using 25 energy<br> bins covering up to 100 MeV. noosc_full - simulation output from the fiducial case with the same<br> circumstanses as above, except without oscillations and using 50<br> energy bins up to 100 MeV. noosc_supernova_background.dat - snapshot from a 1D core-collapse<br> supernova simulation. The only relevant<br> quantities are the radius (col. 2), density<br> (col. 3), electron fraction (col. 4),<br> temperature (col. 5), electron chemical<br> potential (col. 9), proton chemical potential<br> (col. 10), and neutron chemical potential<br> (col. 11)<br> <br> noosc_*_tdecohere.dat - decoherence time (col. 4) for neutrinos at<br> every radial point (col. 1), each helicity<br> (col. 2), and every energy (col. 3), using 50<br> energy bins at integer multiples of 2 MeV. full - calculations done including the full set of<br> collision interactions listed in fiducial. nonu4 - calculations done including the full set of<br> collision interactions listed in fiducial<br> except neutrino-neutrino scattering/pair<br> processes.