2021 journal article
Evaluating shade cloth to simulate Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) competition in sweetpotato
WEED SCIENCE, 69(4), 478–484.

AbstractField studies were conducted in 2019 and 2020 to compare the effects of shade cloth light interception and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeriS. Watson) competition on ‘Covington’ sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam.]. Treatments consisted of a seven by two factorial arrangement, in which the first factor included shade cloth with an average measured light interception of 41%, 59%, 76%, and 94% andA. palmerithinned to 0.6 or 3.1 plants m−2or a nontreated weed-free check; and the second factor included shade cloth orA. palmeriremoval timing at 6 or 10 wk after planting (WAP).Amaranthus palmerilight interception peaked around 710 to 840 growing degree days (base 10 C) (6 to 7 WAP) with a maximum light interception of 67% and 84% for the 0.6 and 3.1 plants m−2densities, respectively. Increasing shade cloth light interception by 1% linearly increased yield loss by 1% for No. 1, jumbo, and total yield. Yield loss increased by 36%, 23%, and 35% as shade cloth removal was delayed from 6 to 10 WAP for No. 1, jumbo, and total yield, respectively.F-tests comparing reduced versus full models of yield loss provided no evidence that the presence of yield loss fromA. palmerilight interception caused yield loss different than that explained by the shade cloth at similar light-interception levels. Results indicate that shade cloth structures could be used to simulate Covington sweetpotato yield loss fromA. palmericompetition, and light interception could be used as a predictor for expected yield loss fromA. palmericompetition.